At the beginning of each new year do you spring out of bed, like a hare, ready to face life with a list of goals you want to achieve? I don’t… I’d describe myself during these first couple of weeks of 2020 as being more like a tortoise. It takes me a few days to ease in. I don’t particularly like new year and the pressure many people feel to make resolutions and goals to be a better person. Come February there is often a feeling of disappointment and annoyance for ‘failing’ to achieve what has been set out. I don’t make new year resolutions at all. Like the tortoise I’m steady and considered in what I would like to do in the coming year and have the finish line in sight. It takes the form of a ‘to do’ list of things I’d like to achieve by the end of the year and they are all about gaining something positive.

2019 was the first time I published my list online (if you scroll down you will find my original blog containing my 2019 ‘to dos’). It contained a mix of personal and business intentions. By making it public it helped me to stay motivated and take ownership for what I had set out to do. I kept reviewing it to check I was making progress.
So how did I do? I achieved 80% of my list and here are a few of the things I did:
I climbed a mountain (Snowdon), I went camping (twice!), I gave blood, I volunteered with a cancer charity and completed some house renovations. I made some important decisions regarding my business and continued to develop myself professionally and personally. Plus I managed to clean my car on a regular basis! I also worked with The Body Retreat as Holistic Therapist on two wellness retreats in Spain. However, there were a couple of things I didn’t manage to do. I haven’t beaten myself up about these and if they are still relevant I’ve added them to this years list.
So what’s on my list for this year?
Set aside one hour a day Monday to Friday for writing/research/self development in addition to my working days seeing clients.
Write one article a month relating to my work, personal life and areas that interest me.
Embrace the coaching sessions I am currently having and work to put relevant suggestions into practice after each session and going forward.
Update my instagram account to a business account by the end of January.
Look into my Training & Development qualification and how I can utilise this going forward.
Aim to host one workshop this year whether that be me teaching others or me hosting with an external expert.
To work smarter on my laptop/phone including stripping back what I don’t need. Clean up to be completed by March.
Spend time at the end of each month reflecting and make changes/improvements where necessary.
This years mantra – Less procrastination – ‘do the tough stuff first’
To visit two places in the UK for the weekend. There are still so many places I haven’t seen.
To get out on my bike more (to be honest even once would be more than what’s happening currently!)
Work towards completing a park run.
To join English Heritage or National Trust to expand our choice of places to visit.
To visit the North Norfolk coast one weekend. I have lovely memories of holidays here with my dear dad.
Find out if I can become a blood stem cell donor.
Take part in a family fun run.
To attend short workshops that interest me.
And continue to:
Nurture my amazing friendships and see my family on a regular basis.
Work on my ability to deal with negative behaviour from others.
Give blood at least twice.
Volunteer with ‘Look Good, Feel Better’ cancer charity at least three times.
Complete some more house renovations.
To go camping with friends.
Continue to practice meaningful self care and complete my gratitude journal each evening.
Try new recipes and plan meals each week.
Attend yoga, barre and mindfulness and meditation classes.

Last year was such an amazing year. I felt like I achieved much more than I would have if I hadn’t have written a list of things I wanted to do. The success was also fuelled by trying to say yes to lots of new experiences and move out of my comfortable place. I will continue to do this and remind myself that what’s important in life is progress not perfection.
If, like me, it takes you a while to get going each new year, don’t beat yourself up about it. Be kind to yourself, start writing an achievable list and go with the flow x